To Blaze the Trail … (07/03/16)

Even though we as a species are indeed falling, we CAN use such times of fear & bewilderment to empower Great Acts of LOVE … And, once just enough of us choose do so for just long enough, we as a species will indeed collectively awaken once more to the Truth that we are merely members of one, great Sentient Family — and we will collectively start acting accordingly.

Of course, in order for us all to appreciate such lives of Joy & Wonder, some of us are going to have to step forth a little earlier than the rest — some of us are going to have to blaze the trail upon which the masses will indeed one day follow.

It can be a lonely task, this trail-blazing, and yet nothing is in the end more important, and thus nothing in the end can ever be more fulfilling … There is risk involved, it’s true, and indeed there is no guarantee of imminent revelry or short-term success, and yet The Way remains ready for us nonetheless …

Yes, it is a path still strewn with the jagged boulders of angst & ignorance, and yes, it is indeed a route still clouded by the thick haze of fervors both nationalist & religious, and yet with selflessness as our Strength and LOVE as our Light, we CAN clear that trail and illuminate it for others to follow … We CAN light the Way out of the Darkness — IF we work together to do so.

So won’t you help me do so today?

“A human being is part of a whole … a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and his feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his independent consciousness. And it is this very delusion that forms a kind of prison for us; restricting us to our personal affections for the few people nearest us, and a subtle, wary enmity reserved for the rest. Our task, therefore, must be to free ourselves from this prison — by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living beings as brothers & sisters, and the whole of nature as our Home.” ~ inspired by Albert Einstein

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