What is truly natural … (07/03/16)

In case anyone tries to tell you that it is “natural” for humans to eat animals because “we were always hunters” or “we have canines for a reason” or “humans are at the top of the food chain” or “we are innately omnivorous meat-eaters”, it might be time to expose them to this video’s two minutes of gentle TRUTH — the Truth that are our ancestors were NOT always hunters; that we actually evolved to barely be able to digest meat as a response to times of extreme starvation … the Truth that our canines are actually fangs quite feeble; fully incapable of tearing through tough hides or rending uncooked flesh … the Truth that we most certainly are NOT at the top of the “food chain”; indeed, that no such thing actually exists in nature, and a concept that provides no excuse for unnecessarily murdering animals in these modern times even if it did … the Truth that we humans are quite clearly NOT omnivores; that we have NO natural instincts to destroy animals and eat their steaming corpses, nor are our bodies designed to efficiently digest or smoothly eliminate the flesh &/or secretions stolen from other species (hence all that trouble non-vegans have with cancer, heart disease, strokes & diabetes).

No, my dear Friends, if you truly want to know what our ACTUAL natural tendencies are in regards to how we actually should be treating our animal brothers & sisters, the two children in the images below exemplify quite well the Truths most adults have long since forgotten.

My Friends, it’s time for us to wake up to what we knew when we were younger … It’s time for us to remember the innate understanding of Justice & Decency & respect that we have always known, and it’s time we started acting accordingly.

Peace to ALL … S

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