How can we attain true Wealth? … (04/27/09)

If you want to possess true Wealth, Give when you feel most “poor” — and pelase note that the Wealth of which I speak is not material, and neither is the Giving.

It is exactly in our most “trying times” that we have the most Power available to us.  It is easy (and therefore a relatively weak emanation into the Cosmos) to give when we already have enough for ourselves.  It is difficult, and therefore incredibly Power-full, to Give when we possess very little (or are scared, or are in pain, or are tired or have “more important things to do”) …

Indeed, this is why Jesus said that “The meek shall inherit the earth”.   There is no “will someday” in that phrase.  “Shall” in this sentence was uttered as a present-tense statement; implying that we can all immediately attain a complete sense of Contentment the moment we choose to be “meek” — and that meekness has nothing to do with humiliation or passiveness.

To the contrary, the “meek” of which Jesus spoke are those of us who are “downtrodden” on the material plane and yet still know their innate power as Beings of Love.  They know that they are not here to receive pleasure and comfort, but rather to Serve others.  They go forth and actively look for, find, and engage ways to help relieve others’ burdens — especially in those times when they feel most “poor”.  They know that their Work on this planet is to seek, find and then Do whatever selfless service is available for them to perform — especially in those moments when they are most tempted to huddle up and mope about their own problems …

Happiness is a Giving thing.

So, when feeling poor, choose to go forth and selflessly Give to those more in need.

You will receive Wealth …

And when you are feeling sick, choose to go forth and selflessly comfort the ill.

You will Receive Health …

And when you are feeling lonely, choose to go forth and comfort those who are alone.

You will Receive Love …

This is The Way — I have Lived it, and it allWays works!