Page 39 … a violation of His Gift

You later state that God “defined any sexual activity outside of the husband-wife relationship as a violation of His gift.”


Actually, my Friend, it was Paul who said that even those same activities within traditional male-female marriages were sins as well.  So the question now becomes, not, “Are gays damned?”, but rather, “Are YOU damned yourself?” … not, “Are homosexual pastors sinning (and therefore not worth listening to on Sunday)?”, but rather, “Are YOU sinning (possibly by publicly condemning the genetically prescribed sexual attractions of LGBT’s)?” … The question then becomes, have YOU ever fornicated, Lucy?  Or have YOU ever looked at pornography?  Or have YOU ever lusted in your life? … I don’t need to receive answers to these questions, of course (for those sins – if they even exist – are all 100% your business and 0% mine), and yet if you have done these things – or anything similarly sinful (which we actually all have done at one point or another in our lives), then you have nothing whatsoever to say about homosexuals and their similar behaviors!


And as a closing mention for this particular topic, it might be worth it for you & yours to remember that Jesus wouldn’t mind at all for you to take a break from condemning others, and look at your own failings instead – that he would actually be thrilled if you would simply silence your selfish & arrogant desire to criticize others for their sins until your own have been cleansed.
“You hypocrite!  Take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck of sawdust from your brother’s eye…. How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own?” ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 6:41-42)
