Page 50 … reading Truth-fully

As far as “accepting [both] the Old & the New Testaments” as “the whole Truth of God’s Word” goes, you once again neglect the now well-established fact (see pages 26-31 previously) that Jesus did not come to strictly uphold or blindly support the Old Testament laws, but rather to aggressively & radically amend them – to constrain those that needed limiting, to discard those that needed abolishing, and to expand most of those that remained; imbuing them with the perfect, humble, self-sacrificial LOVE of his Father; and thereby making them practical where they were once impractical, Caring where they were once condemnatory, and functional where they were once dysfunctional – essentially making them Loving where they were once biased & bigoted.


In Truth, as the Bible itself so clearly shows, Jesus came to replace the stiff, cold and “dead” condemnations of the Old Testament with a Way of selfless Love that was pliable, warm and alive … with a Way that was Loving no matter what … with a Way that refused to judge while simultaneously remaining consequent with its consequence … with a Way that redefined with it meant to Love, and thereby with a Way that redefined – and radically expanded – the very Greatness of God.
