Page 55 … the Bible as Truth

In closing, then, while you might claim that you “read the Bible as Truth”, your actions & your opinions show quite clearly that have not courageously tested those beliefs – and most certainly that you have never actually walked The Way of Jesus Christ.  For it is a simple Truth (one that becomes flagrantly clear to anyone who has had the humility & the courage to actually walk that Great Talk) that only The Way of Christ bears truly Good Fruit, and that only The Way of Christ is the true Will of God …


The Bible is no mere “point of view” for me, Lucy, nor is it a mere intellectual philosophy or emotion-based theology.  I actually follow its teachings – having radically lived its Truths for over a decade of my life now, and I have purposefully done so in dozens of extremely “dangerous” situations.   As such, the peaceful Way of Jesus Christ (and the unconditional LOVE of his heavenly Father) is NO MERE THEORY for me, my Friend … It is real – and it works – and therefore, for me at least, it is TRUTH!!!

Amen … Let it be so for you & yours as well!

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