Page 329 … just 2 verses
“You take two verses of the Bible to try and live by and ignore all the other teachings of Jesus — his death, and his resurrection, as well as what has to take place for the sinner.”
Actually, my Friend, this statement is absolutely incorrect! I have not given you merely two verses that support my biblical interpretation, I have given you thousands of them in this conversation alone. In addition, as you well know, I have written extensively outside the bounds of this thread on Jesus, on his crucifixion, and on his message to sinners about sin. And as you well know, I am the one who has lived his Way for the past eleven+ years and I am the one who is sharing the Good Fruit it has born for me. Lucy, between the two of us, I am the one who sees how the Bible is actually one huge tome of choices – a huge collection of contradictory verses & theologies from which Christians must choose. You, on the other hand, are a “biblical literalist”, and as such you have claimed that you believe every single verse in the Bible to eb absoluteTruth. Thus it is you who needs to be concerned with the two verses in question (Matthew 5:48 + 1 John 4:18*), and it is you who must admit that you must either discard these two verses, or admit that Hell does not exist (or at the very least admit that it is not eternal &/or at the very least admit that it is not at all supported by God).
So, my dear Friend, which is it going to be?
[*NOTE: For those just tuning in, Matthew 5:48 proclaims quite clearly that God’s Love is perfect – complete and full, given without blemish or exception, and 1 John 4:18 says that this perfect form of Love casts out all forms of fear – that the two cannot co-exist. The latter verse also says that punishment always comes from fear, and as such, that it is thus literally impossible for the all-Loving & fear-devoid Father of jesus Christ to punish anyone for any length of time – be it in Hell or elsewhere!]