Page 693 … The Gospel today

“The gospel message is the same today as it was in Jesus’ day. The gospel does not change.”


Well, while it is indeed true that Jesus’ Gospel has not changed at all since he shared it those many years ago, the Christian concept of “the Gospel” has actually changed quite a bit in that time.   Indeed, Paul radically changed it when he invented his personal theology centered on Jesus himself (instead of Jesus’ Life & Way), and the author of Revelation changed it again quite radically when he blasphemously portrayed Jesus as an angry, judgmental warlord during the 2nd Coming …  These blatantly distinct “gospels” are quite different from The Way of Christ as portrayed by Jesus himself, my dear, and indeed cannot be reconciled with it in the slightest.


In essence, either you are a believer in LOVE unconditional & unlimited (the Gospel of Jesus – see Matthew 5:48) or you are a believer in a “love” neutered by fear (the gospel of Revelation) &/or shackled by conditions (the gospel of Paul) …


either you are believer in never-ending Forgiveness (the Gospel of Jesus – see Matthew 18:21-22) or you are a believer in wrathful judgment (the gospel of Revelation) &/or continual condemnation (the gospel of Paul) …


either you are a believer in Salvation for everyone (the Gospel of Jesus & his Father, YHWH – see John 5:22 + John 12:47 + 1 John 4:18) or you are a believer in “salvation” for the few & damnation for the rest (the gospel of the Elohim in Revelation, and the gospel of Paul in his letters).


Essentially, you are either a believer in The Way of Jesus Christ or you are believer in the ramblings of Paul &/or the blasphemies of Revelation.  No reader of the Bible can have it both ways, Lucy, and every Christian must eventually choose between the two paths – Jesus’ narrow way of redemption via acts of selfless LOVE or Paul’s broad path of destruction via arrogant judgment & acts of callous condemnation.


I personally have chosen to honor the entire Bible by reading it in its most noble context.  I can only do so by following The Way of Christ, and I humbly encourage all others (regardless of their religion or lack thereof) to do the same … I judge no one for rejecting that Way (and thereby rejecting Jesus) of course, and yet he didn’t either (see John 12:47) …

L445 jesus