Page 848 … Summation Next — Point 1

“But we aren’t judging gays; we are only judging their sin.”


This statement has been made many times in various forms over the course of this thread, and yet the essence of its claim still has yet to be appropriately addressed – namely, the following four very important Truths:


Truth: That choosing to worship a God who clearly does judge some sins to be worthy of eternal damnation (e.g. at least in the eyes of my opponents, homosexuality) and others to be worthy of forgiveness (e.g. ignoring Jesus’ call for us to be humble as a child in Matthew 18:3) is to judge others – by proxy … In essence, hiding behind God is no excuse when it is your choice whether or not to worship such a condemning deity.


Truth: That it is per se hypocritical to judge others for their sins when you have not cleansed yourself of your own (see Matthew 7:1-5, Matthew 23:25-26 & John 8:7).


Truth: That it is bigotry plain & simple to isolate & condemn one particular group of sinners A) when their “sin” is innate to their genetic makeup, and B) when many other groups are (according to both Testaments) equally worthy of that same damnation.


Truth: That – at least according to the ancient manuscripts of the Bible – neither homosexuality itself nor homosexual relationships are in any way sinful whatsoever!

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