When your right is Wrong … (05/13/16)

So it’s your right to eat animals and thereby support their abuse & their slaughter? … Your RIGHT? … Really? … Hmmmm … Now where have I heard that kind of language before? … Oh, yeah … Right … I remember now …


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“There is literally no other form of abuse, apart from our abuse of animals, where we would recommend a reductive strategy in order to wean ourselves off the damaging behavior. We would never suggest to anyone dishing out physical abuse to a partner or child that they ‘cut down’ until they can handle complete abstinence; a dog owner repeatedly reported for mistreating their companion animals wouldn’t be allowed to have dogs stay over at the weekend; an alcoholic wouldn’t be told to only drink every other day; a serial murderer wouldn’t be cut any slack while they whittle their body count down to zero … So how is it that it’s okay in the eyes of so many for people to be allowed to simply trim their weekly animal product consumption and then be told they’re doing something good? It goes without saying I would rather people ate and wore less animals, but it’s hardly anything to be patted on the back for, and definitely nothing to be encouraged.” ~ Nick Mott
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