Beautifying the Planet (December 21st)

December 21Beautifying the Planet: After work or school, find either a park or a long stretch of sidewalk in your neighborhood that looks “messy”. Then, for at least one hour, clean it up. Be creative and have fun while doing so … Notice how much better it feels after you’ve finished. Notice how much better you feel while serving selflessly!

Bonus Activity: Collect dead wood from a local park or forest and light a “bonfire” tonight to celebrate that Cleansing (it can be a very small one – even a candle-lighting ceremony is fine). Invite friends and family to share its warmth on this, the longest night of the year …

This one was relatively easy for me, though that didn’t take away from how enjoyable found it to engage. Today was the Solstice, of course, and my folks invited lots of folks to come and celebrate to “return of the sun”. It wasn’t a religious ceremony of any kind, but rather a simple, heartfelt, non-denominational honoring of the blessings that “darkness” brings to life – the blessing of uncovering long-forgotten wounds ready for cleansing; the blessing of “enemies” to Love and challenges for which to be grateful (both are sources of immense personal in-Power-ment). And of course there is the blessing of rebirth; the great Truth that, regardless of what has happened (or is still happening) to us, we can choose to embrace and transcend the same – that we can in this sense consciously turn all our pains into peace and all our curses into windfalls.

And to get ready for this grand event, I helped my mother make and distribute several hundred luminaries that lined the driveway – which lit up beautifully.

And during the entire day before, I had gathered large amounts of dead pine from the woods, in order to fuel the awesome bonfire that was lit evening.

Of course, it doesn’t mater how we choose to beautify the Earth – only that we regularly re-member to do so.

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
