Home of the Unbrave … (01/27/16)

The religion of Islam has its share of fundamentalist zealots, that much it true (though far fewer of them than Christianity had when it was of the same age), and the Koran is indeed a most problematic tome that seems to do anything but promote peace (I’m only half-way through it at the moment, but it”s not looking good so far) … AND YET, despite these truths, America will only once again become the “Home of the Brave” when its citizens start acting accordingly —

*It will truly be “the Home of the Brave” when they have the courage to openly extend the same Respect to, & champion the same Rights for, those who hold different beliefs than they — the same Respect that they regularly request & receive; the same Rights that they loudly demand & deserve;

*It will truly be “the Home of the Brave” when they have the courage to openly enliven the founding principles of Generosity & Freedom & Unity for ALL that are embedded in their Constitution and that are the very heart of their Declaration of Independence;

*And it will truly be “the Home of the Brave” when they have the courage to do the only thing that has any chance of bringing them the security & the peace that they ostensibly crave — namely, stop attacking their enemies with words of denigration & acts of violence (which only makes those enemies stronger), and REACH OUT to them with persistent acts of Compassion & Kindness instead.

Until that day comes, America will remain nothing more than a country (mostly) of cowards — ruled by harbringers of hatred; justified by ignorance (or worse, indifference); and fueled by fanaticism & fear.

Let it not be so any longer, my Friends … Do your part today to stop this primitive & highly damaging madness … Do your part by being Brave.