The only Revolution … (02/08/16)

My dear Friends, unless we have the collective humility to recognize the simple truth that other sentient beings are not commodities to be used & abused for our personal pleasure, and unless we also have the courage to set this freshly rediscovered morality in motion, we are truly doomed — both individually, and as a species.

Veganism — it’s the only Revolution that matters.

Please join today … Thank you.

“Every time a human being deliberately takes the life of an animal (or pays for someone else to do the same) a little slice of that offender’s lifetime is whittled off and thrown away, and a little more of the collective soul of our species is extinguished … Our Earth’s biosphere is already running on empty and, unless we radically change course very soon, Mother Nature will finish the debate concerning our survival — and She will finish it brutally & without remorse … We have NOT earned the right to destroy this planet and we certainly have NOT been given the right to treat our sentient cousins with our current levels of callousness and cruelty. Our transgressions are great and many, and unless people choose to raise the blinds of their chosen ignorance and depart from their bubbled domes of delusion — our species will indeed soon be decimated and soon thereafter will sink into its next Dark Ages.” ~ inspired by Rosemary Wright

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