How Beauty-full … (12/03/15)

“How beautiful are ALL the Earth’s inhabitants! They all have feelings, they all have emotions, they all have individual personality traits, they all cherish their own little ones, and they all want to live their own lives in Peace.

Of course, their milk cannot be obtained without abusing them, and their meat cannot be obtained without killing them — and no one has the right to cause anyone else to suffer &/or die unnecessarily — and this is true regardless of whether our victims are human or any other sentient species.

There are a lot of myths about eating meat and consuming dairy products. It is high time people took this global tragedy seriously and educated themselves about the terrible harm that consuming animals does to the animals, does to themselves, and does to our planet as a whole.

It is time to have the humility to learn the Truth — and it is time to have the courage to give up all forms of cruelty towards animals.

If we humans consider ourselves the most intelligent and powerful of all beings on earth, we should be protecting our weaker cousins — and certainly not killing them.”

~ inspired by Vishal Krishna Ravindra

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