Non-wasting our time … (12/10/15)

Just a few days ago, one of my best non-vegan Friends told me that I am wasting my time. He said that he “agreed” with me that there is no rational reason to support the use & abuse of animals, and yet that going vegan wouldn’t make any real difference. His solution to the problem was that there would never be any solution — so why change? Why should he alter the comfortable way he has been eating for the past 4.5 decades of his life when nothing good will ever come of it?
What callously selfish NONSENSE!
And this is the same type of inanity that I hear from so many “welfarists” who claim that we aren’t supposed to try and stop the evil that is animal enslavement, animal torture and animal extermination; but rather claim that we are simply supposed to strive to make their enslavement a bit more comfortable, their suffering a bit less torturous and their murders a bit more pain-free …
This is immoral, and THIS .. IS … INSANE!
And, of course, this is also patently downright WRONG … The real problem is NOT factory farming and the real problem is NOT hopeless … The real problem is that we humans are using our own superficial desire for palate pleasure and the comfort of upholding tradition as weak-ass justifications for inflicting other sentient beings with ENORMOUS amounts of fully unnecessary pain & suffering.
Both of these excuses are just that — bullshit excuses, and neither of them provide even one ounce of justification for inflicting so much trauma on even a single innocent, sentient life … period.
That having been said, I implore each & every one of you this morning to PLEASE have the humility to become informed (see comment box #01 below), and then to PLEASE have the Courage to start living accordingly — as part of the very REAL (and proven effective) solution, instead of continuing on as part of the very real (and very immoral — and incredibly destructive) problem.

Thank you … S

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