A guide for Guidance … (12/14/15)
Every non-vegan choice we make has a consequence, and that consequence is massive harm to another individual whose only crime was being born a member of a species other than human …
When we pretend that our victims don’t care what happens to them, when we pretend that they lack awareness of what we do in order to treat them as mere resources and commodities, then we are lying to ourselves … Indeed, if we really, truly, believed that our victims didn’t care about what we do to them, our obsession with being “humane” would not exist. The fact that the word comes into almost every dialogue about the treatment of animals as commodities, is the very beacon of Truth that most still refuse to acknowledge; our overt & irrefutable admission that our actions unnecessarily cause animals incredible suffering.
My Friends, the word “humane” can NEVER apply to any process that brings helpless, sentient individuals into the world to be used and destroyed as mere resources. That is why our search for ‘humane’ ways to do so is a fully futile one, an impotent salve to our conscience that delivers absolutely nothing but hollow lives based in capriciousness, callousness & cruelty.
So, if we really care about being truly “humane”, we must recognize that the only truly ‘humane’ way to treat nonhumans is to stop using them altogether. For in Truth, it is not HOW we treat our victims that is the problem, but rather the sad & obvious fact that our choices have victims at all.
As such, let us all vow to make new choices today; choices that are Kind; choices that are respect-full; choices that do not require us to pause and wonder one instant whether or not they are “humane” …
In essence, let us choose to be vegan.
Amen … Let it be so … Thank you.
~ inspired by “There’s an Elephant in the Room”