ACPS #10: rediscovering Patience (11/03/10)

Class #10 began by answering some questions related to Week 9 materials & concepts (on Acceptance), including …

… how to effectively forgive enemies,

… how to effectively deal with hatred, and

… how to effectively accept injustice.

Thereafter, the rest of the evening looked into the deeper implications of Patience — both in relation to how we can enliven it, as well as what we can expect once we do so.

The class concluded with a hands-on (& hearts-On) exercise that allowed all those present to experience first-hand how it feels to transcend the conventional definitions of patience and know anew how it feels to Flow.

link to live in-class recordings & course handouts for week ten (Patience):

Traditionally, patience is waiting calmly for what we want ...

... and yet true Patience is flowing with whatever IS ...

... by acting serving whomever is nearby.