ACPS #8: resdiscovering Faith (10/20/10)

Class #8 began by answering some questions related to Week 7 materials & concepts (on Wonderment), including …

… the difference between suffering & pain,

… a more emPowering way to deal with any “tragedy”, and

… the benefits of “unplugging” from the media.

Thereafter, the rest of the evening looked into the deeper implications of Faith — both in relation to how we can enliven it, as well as what we can expect once we do so.

The class concluded with a hands-on (& hearts-On) exercise that allowed all those present to experience first-hand how it feels to transcend the conventional definitions of faith and know Courage anew.

link to live in-class recordings & course handouts for week eight (Faith):

Sometimes we leap to be in a "better place" ...

... or to fulfill a personal desire.

And yet it is time to alter our thinking about Faith,

It is time to see that faith & reason are not at all contradictory; that Faith is in fact the most reasonable of all our choices.

It is now time to leap with Courage ...

... and to leap with Joy.

& it is caring solely for another that gives those wings.