Devalidating Violence … (10/23/15)

“Almost every one of us is quick to distance ourselves from violence. We often hear it said, ‘Violence solves nothing’, or ‘War creates more war’, or ‘All lives matter’, or ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ — and every time we do so we nod along sagely; readily accepting such statements as the Truths they most certainly are …

And yet despite our agreements about the ultimate futility & indeed the patent immorality of aggression, violence is the very backbone of animal agriculture — the meat & milk & egg ‘industry’ that callously turns caring, sentient individuals into mere commodities; that coldly turns the lives of caring animals into dead flesh; that capriciously turns innocent beings into victims of ruthless violence …

And make no mistake, it is this selfsame brutality and this selfsame barbarism and this selfsame violence that is directly supported and indeed purposefully perpetuated by every non-vegan consumer choice we make … For every single time we purchase the dead flesh or forced secretions of an animal, we ourselves are responsible for keeping an industry alive that needlessly persecutes & brutally murders millions & millions of thinking, feeling, breathing beings — beings whose lives mattered to them; beings who wanted more than anything to continue to live.

My Friends, the truth of the matter is that it is impossible to confine animals compassionately, it is impossible to mutilate their bodies kindly, and it is impossible to murder them “humanely” — the Truth of the matter is that it is simply not possible to forcefully take another sentient being, violate them, use them and ultimately end their lives without using violence so extreme that if were we to witness it firsthand, we would never sleep untroubled again.

Every single individual that we use for “food” or “fashion” or “fun”, regardless of its species, fights with their last ounce of strength to be free, fights with every fiber of their being to live, fights until the very last moment to breath through throats slashed and gurgled with blood. And as along as we pretend that it is otherwise, we will remain ignorant and deluded — even worse, we will remain ignorant & barbaric …

The day we can face the Truth with humble honesty is the day when we decide to be vegan.

Why not make that day today?”

~ inspired by …….
There’s an Elephant in the Room

00 10:23a1 cruelty sucks
00 10:23a2 blood off ur hands