Healing Homophobia … (10/16/15)

In many regards, we’ve come a long way as a species — human slavery still exists, and yet is judged by most of us to be repulsive; repression against women still exists, and yet is seen by most of us as primitive; cruelty towards animals still exists, and yet more & more animal rights activists (a.k.a. vegans) are openly noting that treating other sentient beings as mere commodities is immoral & barbaric; homophobia still exists, and yet more & more people around the world are waking up to the simple fact that members of the LGBT community deserve every bit the same respect, the same honor & the same Love that the world’s “straight” citizens already receive.

Of course, this Waking UP process does not come without its fair share of resistance or arrive without its fair share of opponents — those people who would just as soon keep our society mired in its darker, callously ignorant past; those who would just as soon still own slaves &/or subjugate women &/or abuse animals for personal pleasure &/or punish homosexuals and transgenders merely for being born how they were born — merely for being who they ARE.

A few years ago, a member of the latter group wrote to Amy Dickinson asking for advice on how to get her gay son to stop being gay … Amy’s response is as priceless and as powerful as it is (hopefully) prescient … Enjoy!

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