Magic and the Force … (09/19/15)

Those who deal in “magic” (including those who peddle religious zeal or champion “the Law of Attraction”) attempt to use personal power to manipulate their surroundings; to bend the Universe to their will, & thereby manifest their own desires for self &/or what they believe is better or best … Those who employ “The Force”, on the other hand, use the Power that surrounds & infuses everything around & within them to re-align their surroundings; to bend individual wills back into harmony with the Universal Whole, & thereby re-create not merely a “good” for themselves but the Highest Good for the entire Cosmos (what some call “God”).

The former — “magic” — is based in the self & pride & fear. The latter — “the Force” — is founded in other & humility & LOVE.

As you might imagine, and as this meme accurately illustrates, when the two come into play at the same time in the same place, the Force wins out every time … May the Force be with You!!!

00 09:19 the Force wins every time