An mage of our Selves … (08/11/15)

Bringing innocent beings into existence as a purely superfluous resource — as mere commodities that serve no purpose other than to quell our rumbling stomachs and/or sate our primal lusts for palate pleasure, is in and of itself a cruel gesture. And to couple this heinous crime with enslaving those beings — with confining them in shacks & stalls & pens & cages; with painfully mutilating their tails & horns & beaks & genitals; and with ultimately murdering them all in their their sweet adolescence, is a reflection of evil itself …

We may be shielded from this Truth — we may have not yet been told of it, or we may have heard and yet chosen to look away, and yet the sordid Truth it remains … a horrific Truth … a wicked Truth … a deadly Truth … a catastrophic Truth.

My Friends, for us to breed, birthe, abuse, murder and then discard other sentient beings merely to consume their secretions or their dismembered corpses can never — ever — by any stretch of any imagination — comply with any image we might hold of ourselves as Kind, or Caring, or Just, or even decent human beings.

When we face up to the massive suffering we are directly funding — to the helpless & the vulnerable & the innocent victims of our superficial greed; victims who are indeed the direct consequences of every single one of our non-vegan consumer choices, then there remains only one course of action that makes any sense … We finally awaken — We finally shout ‘Enough!’ — And we finally refuse to be an accomplice to the madness.

In essence, we finally choose to be vegan.

Amen … Let it be so.

(~ inspired by — and credit to — “There’s an Elephant in the Room”)

00 08:11b1 Dear animals

00 08:11b2 Dear animals 2