Faith in LOVE … (08/13/15)

The ways in which Kindness & Compassion work are rarely if ever seen in full, and yet it is quite reasonable to have faith that Work they do … Indeed, not a single one of us will ever fully witness or comprehend the Universe-altering Goodness that most surely follows every one of our deeds of Love — every selfless gift we give; every humble forgiveness we grant; every kind word we utter; every gentle tenderness we display.

The frequency of Oneness — that energetic emission we often call “Love” — by its very nature never stops flowing. It washes over & around those to whom we directly give it, and then it continues ever-onward — fully covering or lightly caressing or gently circumnavigating everything in its path as it flows on forever towards the edge of the Cosmos … And as such, each & every selfless deed we courageously enliven quickly leaves the realm of our perception; rapidly departs from our immediate surroundings and ripples outward far further than we can ever hope to see or know.

And yet flow ever-outward it does — subtly yet powerfully touching life after life after life after life as it goes … That this Truth remains mostly hidden from us does not make it any less True; and that we can often only perceive the smallest fraction of the Peace & Joy our Love brings does not take away from the fact that each and every one of our acts of self-sacrifice do indeed bring many, many others great Peace & great Joy.

Yes, my Friends, the way selfless LOVE works will forever remain a great Mystery — and yet we can know that such LOVE always Works nonetheless.

Consider going forth today and living accordingly …


(~ inspired by Albert Schweitzer)

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