Current denial is imminent Death … (07/24/15)

Did you know that meat & dairy livestock are the number one producer of greenhouse gases – 40% more than all the world’s cars, trucks & planes combined? And did you know that a recent United Nations report concluded that an imminent and significant worldwide shift toward a plant-based diet is critical to preventing the most tragic consequences of the current climate shift?

Well, now you do.

“If we take vegan action to stop global warming and it then turns out to be untrue, then at the very least we will have saved the lives of billions of animals, dramatically reduced air pollution, saved the pristinity of our drinking water aquifers and halted the loss of our forests … On the other hand, if we don’t act – and soon, and global warming turns out to be even half as bad as most climatologists say it’s going to be, then our apathy will have essentially destroyed the future of our species.” ~ inspired by the words of Tony Blair

00 07:24z1 denial raises da Nile


00 07:24z3 climate-change-is-big

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00 07:24zz nothing mo important

00 07:24zzz animal-industry-is