Hunting is not Seeking … (06/27/15)

“What qualifies as a ‘good reason’ to kill when there are plenty of other, healthier, kinder things to eat than animals? What qualifies as a ‘good reason’ to kill when there are plenty of other ways to feed our families? What qualifies as a ‘good reason’ to kill when there are hundreds of other ways to ‘entertain ourselves’?

Why is the go-to plan for so many people so often violence? Why do we resort to arrogant destruction of the lives of others when we can do so much better — both for ourselves and for the environment; for one by using the time we spend learning to kill to learn to cultivate instead?

Indeed, there is no sound reason to traumatize and murder other sentient animals (a.k.a. ‘hunt wild game’) merely to get a bit of nourishment or some extra excitement into our lives. And as such, to do so at all is ignorant at best and at worst, outright immoral — if not downright malicious.” ~ inspired by Sarah Sunshine

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00 06:27ez1 hunting - meat kills families

00 06:27ez3 in Trust