Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 … Bashing the Bashings of Bigots (06/13/15)

I am currently involved in an extremely intriguing (and sometimes somewhat heated) discussion with a few of my right-wing anti-gay Facebook Friends … To simplify & summarize, they claim that homosexuality is a “sin” (indeed, a mortal one — worthy of capital punishment &/or eternal damnation. They believe that God has made this decree in the Bible (specifically citing Leviticus 18:22, which calls homosexual sex an “abomination” & Leviticus 20:13, which makes having gay sex a capital offense punishable by death) and that as such any “true Christian” must believe as they do and openly denounce the same.

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I, on the other hand — as a non-religious yet devout Follower of The Way of Christ, have been trying (admittedly, without much success) to awaken these dear Friends to the FACT that their own Bible actually offers an equally valid alternative on this matter — an alternative that is fully supported by both scripture & Biblical scholarship; indeed an alternative that is both supported & exemplified in the Bible’s Gospels by the words & deeds of Jesus Christ himself.

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And yet despite my best efforts to reach any semblance of common ground, back & forth we continue to go — with my Friends claiming that they have access to “the only Truth” (which happens to be quite the condemnatory one), and with me devoutly championing open-minded Humility over conservative dogma, radical Kindness over calloused condemnation, & unconditional Love over hate-provoking bigotry.

Needless to say, our conversation hasn’t made much progress …

Now even though I do Love these Friends quite deeply and am incredibly thankful for having them in my life, they really aren’t honoring much of what I have to share … Where I at least openly admit that they COULD actually be right (and then sincerely question why they or anyone else would choose to worship such a capriciously wicked version of God), they have repeatedly affirmed that their interpretation of scripture is the only correct one, that they are the ones who truly know who Jesus is, and that I am “distorting Jesus” with my Bible-based beliefs that God’s Grace is indeed unconditional and that the Love of Christ is indeed perfect – given to all without exception; even to homosexuals.

And so there I was yesterday, wondering why I continue to invest so much time professing unconditional Love to these folks & why I continue to expend so much energy trying to show them there is indeed a far greater God of a far more “radical Grace” in their own Bible, and this when they really aren’t interested in learning anything from me at all about the same … I will admit, I was quite tempted to “bail” on them and get back to tasks “more important”; services to others that had a greater chance of doing some real Good.

And then I remembered a few very important things – Truths that we would all do well to remember often in our everyday dealings with others …

First, I remembered that behind every bigoted belief lies a person suffering from a very deep wound; someone harboring a pain worthy of warmth and Kindness; and that underneath every hateful or intolerant façade beats a heart that Cares & a heart that is innately Kind – a heart worthy of Love …

Second, I remembered that it is precisely these types of less-functional interactions that we are called to fully EMBRACE, and that it is precisely these types of encounters with “enemies” that can inspire us all to strengthen ourselves enough to feel empathy & humble ourselves enough to learn …

And indeed, this is exactly what is happening for me! Not only have I developed an even deeper respect & adoration for my right-wing homosexuality-condemning Friends, I have also been inspired to more fully research this particular facet of bigotry, and as such have also been inspired to now share with you all some very important rediscoveries of FACT & TRUTH that I have made as a result …

As such, first feel free to consider the following basic FACTS:

*FACT: While the population of Christians is steadily declining in the United States (down from 77% in 2012 to about 71% in 2014), Christianity remains a major player in that country, with roughly 90% of all American politicians & judges professing to be members of a Bible-based faith. In addition, Christianity has remained the most popular religion in the world, currently professing well over 2 BILLION adherents and consistently occupying roughly 32% of the world’s population … As such, whether you are Christian or not, it is IMPORTANT fort you t know about Christian beliefs and it is IMPORTANT for you to become knowledgeable about Christian-based bigotries.

*FACT: While it is tempting to casually dismiss Christian homophobia and Bible-based Christian bigotry as “exceptions to the rule” – and while there is indeed a growing trend within the Christian community to be more tolerant (if not downright accepting) of homosexuals & transgenders, the disturbing fact remains that a significant portion of the Christian community (roughly 40%, according to a cross-referenced analysis of several recent national polls – including Life Way Research, PEW & the Public Religion Research Institute) still believes that homosexuality is a “mortal sin”.

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And now my Friends, with this all in mind, consider the following TRUTHS:

*TRUTH #01: At least as far as science is concerned, “GOD MADE the GAY” … That’s right, research is now showing ever-more-conclusively that homosexuality is actually a genetic trait (evidenced consistently in roughly 5% of the human population across the globe) with which people are born, not a mere “lifestyle” they at some point choose. And indeed, this makes perfect sense … After all, how else can we explain the existence of documented homosexual partnerships in over 500 different species throughout nature? And, now speaking directly to heterosexuals, how else can you explain the fact that you never CHOSE to be straight?

As such, IF God did indeed issue the decrees of Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 mandating the death penalty & subsequent damnation for all homosexuals, then modern day science is proving that we are dealing with a God who is either fallible or evil or both – fallible for creating the “mistakes” of homosexuality in the first place, and evil for maliciously punishing homosexuals for fulfilling the “sin” that HE CREATED!

My Friends, I think it can thus be fairly stated that IF such a malicious God truly is the ruler of our Universe, then He is a tyrant far more worthy of peaceful protest (if not open rebellion) than He is a deity worthy of worship.

P.S. As an interesting Biblical aside, did you know that the ancient Hebrew originally has God making Adam a MASCULINE “helper” (Hebrew = “ezer”) in Genesis 2:18? And did you know as well that the “woman” who was then created in Genesis 2:21-22 using Adam’s rib would have had to also have actually have been male (having a genotype 44XY)? Which means, of course, that — at least according to the Bible’s ancient Hebrew manuscripts — it really was “Adam & Steve” before it was “Adam & Eve”! wink emoticon

*TRUTH #02: At least as far as the Bible is concerned, “DAMNATION IS ALL or NOTHING” … In essence, this means that if conservative Christians (or any Christians, for that matter) are going to quote two verses from the Hebrew Bible (what Christians call the “Old Testament”) to condemn millions of homosexual “sinners” (and thus laud their eternal punishment in Hell), then those same “evangelical” fundamentalists are also required to ADHERE TO THE REST of its verses as well. Indeed, two of the New Testament’s most prominent authors affirmed this very same problem – with Paul noting clearly that, “Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey ALL the things written in the book of the Law” (Galatians 3:10), and James noting that, “For whoever keeps the whole law but fails EVEN IN ONE POINT has become accountable for all of it.” (James 2:10)

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And why is this a problem for gay-bashing condemnatory Christians? Well, as I am sure many of you are already aware, the Bible’s Old Testament” is literally FULL of hateful, bigoted laws & regulations, many of which also carry the death penalty as punishment, and as such are on par with the “abomination” of homosexuality mentioned in Leviticus … Consider the following small sampling thereof:

Leviticus 20:10-12 notes that both parties to any act of adultery are to be punished by death (and remember as well that Jesus said that even THINKING about having sex with someone other than your spouse counts as adultery = major yikes!) … Deuteronomy 22:20-21 notes that a woman who does not bleed while/after losing her virginity is to be punished by death (a law which actually condemns the vast majority of non-virgin women to this day) … Deuteronomy 22:23-27 notes that all virgin rape VICTIMS are to be punished by death … Deuteronomy 13:1-5 notes that anyone uttering “false prophecy” shall be punished by death … Leviticus 20:18 notes that all men who have sex with a menstruating woman are to be punished by death … Leviticus 24:16 makes it quite clear that all those committing “blasphemy” are to be punished by death (though what qualifies as “blasphemy” is never clearly stated) … Exodus 31:14 states that all who “profane the Sabbath” shall be punished by death (though it is never made clear exactly what activities “profane” that holy day) … and Exodus 21:17 notes that anyone cursing his or her father or mother shall be punished by death.

Please recognize that most of these are sins are described in the Bible as being just as “abhorrent” in the eyes of the conservative Christian God, and note as well that there is little doubt that at least some of these “mortal laws” have been violated by almost every single Christian who happens to be condemning homosexual inclinations & behaviors. As such, all those Christians who would attempt to use the Bible to attack gays or transgenders in any way would do well to heed the words of their own Lord & Savior when he said,

“Do not judge, so that you may not be judged, for with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while a similar log is in your own? You hypocrite! First take the log out of your own eye, and only then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s … Truly, let he without sin cast the first stone.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:1-5 & John 8:7)

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P.S. In case you are ever wondering, selective condemnation is always a sign of great emotional pain manifesting itself as mental bigotry.

*TRUTH #03: At least according to The Way of Jesus Christ, “All HOMOSEXUALS ARE HEADED to HEAVEN” … That’s right, my Friends – regardless of your personal religious affiliations (or even your complete lack thereof), you can all take solace in knowing that the Bible itself provides an interpretation that allows for Salvation for EVERYONE – even the greatest of “sinners” – even gays & lesbians & transgenders!!!

You see, there is this really neat passage in the book of Hebrews that sums it up very clearly – a passage that goes something like this:

“But Jesus has now obtained a more excellent ministry, and to that degree he is the mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted through better promises, for if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no need to look for a second one … In speaking of ‘a new covenant’, he has made the first one obsolete. And what is obsolete and growing old will soon disappear.” ~ Hebrews 8:6-13

So even though our conservative, fundamentalist Christian Friends will try to reconcile using the Old Testaments ominous oracles or the New Testament’s putrid professions of Paul to justify their bigoted condemnation of the homosexual “lifestyle”, Jesus himself came to show EVERYONE (especially the Old Testament-adhering Pharisees of his day, and even the modern Paul-following “Pharisees” of our own) that there is indeed a New Covenant available to all Christians – that there is indeed another Way to enter Heaven, and that there is indeed another, far more Loving God who resides there!!!

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My dear Friends, it is no accident that Jesus spoke of a heavenly Father who “judges no one” (John 5:22), and it is no accident that Jesus himself admonished us all to “forgive 70 times 7” (Matthew 18:22) and “become humble again as little children” (Matthew 18:3-4) and let our own Love for ALL the others in our lives become as perfect as God’s Love is perfect (Matthew 5:48) – even those so different from us that we consider them to be “enemies” (Matthew 5:44).

And so I encourage ALL OF YOU – Christians and non-Christians alike – to reawaken your Heart of Hearts and walk The Way anew. I encourage all you conservative, judgmental Christians to set aside your ignorance and your hatred for those not like you and those not perfectly reflecting your own beliefs … and I encourage all of you “liberal” & “progressive” (a.k.a. Caring) Christians to set aside your cowardice and have the courage to stand up to all the Christian denouncers & damners in your midst; to stand up firmly & gently to meet their hatred head on with your Love, and shatter the stumbling blocks of their bigotry with the same.

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Amen … Let it be so!

“My request today is simple. Today — or tomorrow — or next week — find somebody, anybody, that’s different than you; somebody that has made you feel nervous or angry or even hateful; somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable; somebody who practices a different religion than you do; somebody who has been lost to addiction; somebody with a criminal past; somebody who dresses ‘below’ you; somebody with disabilities; somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle; somebody without a home … Somebody that you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, and always be disgusted by … I want you to find that somebody, and I want you to reach your arm out and put it around them … And then I want you to tell them they’re all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them … If you or I wanna make any real and positive change in this world, that’s where we’re gonna be able to do it. That’s where we’ll have to start.” ~ inspired by Dan Pearce