Re-membering Memorial Day – Part 2 … War: the Enemy of Peace (05/25/15)

You know, Memorial Day would be a lot more memorable if it didn’t celebrate millions of brutal & needless murders. But don’t tell that to your favorite politician … or your favorite gun lobbyist … or your favorite weapons manufacturer.

The United States has made war its favorite answer — indeed, often its only answer — to international differences of opinion for well over two hundred years. So it can’t be really that surprising that our beloved Obama is blasting the bajeezus out of the Middle East & northern Africa — creating large batches of freshly baked terrorists with each subsequent drone attack … And it can’t really be a surprise that American politicians still have the gall to stand before us and blatantly lie — to stand before the world and tell us all how those murders were & are “necessary for national security” or “appropriate responses to probable threats” or “necessary for the promotion of democracy” … No, none of that is really that surprising to me.

What IS surprising — and what will remain shocking to me until the day I die — is the massive numbers of Americans who willingly wallow in — and even brazenly champion — such obviously obscene & powerfully pungent piles of bullshit.

It’s time we stopped allowing those “in power” to stink up the joint, folks … It’s time we stopped enabling the crooked and the corrupt and the cowardly to sacrifice the lives of others for their own personal greed & comfort … It’s time we stopped supporting “leaders” who support needless murder.

Send them all on their way, my Friends … and choose Peace instead.

Thank you.

“Today we know the truth. Our soldiers don’t die for duty, or honor or country. They sacrifice their lives instead for the companies of Kellog and Brown and Root. They don’t fight for America; they fight for their own lives and for their buddies beside them because their government threw them into a war zone. They are not defending our freedoms; they are laying the foundation for permanent military bases to defend the freedoms of Exxon and Mobil and British Petroleum. They are not establishing democracy; they are establishing the basis for a ruthless economic occupation that will first become real after the military occupation has ended.” ~ Dr. Dahlia Wasfi

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P.S. …

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