Repairing Reality … (09/07/16)

A few thoughts (with a little boost from William Cottringer) on what we can do to alter the “undesirable” parts of our lives …

1. Realize that everything is interconnected.  It might be a cliché, and yet the real truth of the matter is that you can’t un-connect the parts of something that are undesirable until you choose to see their intimate oneness with their more desirable parts. It’s called Acceptance, and it’s critical to attaining any measure of deep-seated Peace & emPowerment.  The most important connection to notice is the one between your dualistic beliefs (seeing yourself as separate from your surroundings), the limitations of true awareness that those thoughts engender, and the painful results you get when you allow such self-centered delusions to guide your decisions.

2. Realize that our dualistic minds create our delusions.  The human brain continually divides things into “this and that”, “yes and no”, “truth and false” etc.  Of course, the most insidious illusion of all is the one that separates “us” from the rest of everything; an “us” that is actually connected in the unity, wholeness and oneness of the Universal Totality.  The most important step to make in re-enhancing your clarity of perception is choosing to see all opposites as just different sides of the same coin.

3. Realize that your emotions are showing you The Way.  The basic purpose of your positive feelings (all variations of love and peace and joy) is to let you know that you are moving towards wholeness. The basic purpose of negative feelings (all variations of fear and insecurity and desire) serve to warn us that we are headed away from that wholeness — and probably need to rethink our approach to what we are trying to do.

4. Realize that focused consciousness is only powerful when combined with courageous acts of kindness.  It is not enough to focus positive thoughts and hope to thereby alter  negative realities.  To effectuate a solid shift in our surroundings, we must “pray with moving feet” in such moments — engaging actions that are similarly Peace-full.

5. Realize that your outside is merely a reflection of your inside.  Everything that you experience externally is not so much your experience of objective reality, as it is your mirrored witnessing of your own internal ideas, beliefs and feelings.  Remember:  pointing one finger out in judgment of another is simultaneously pointing three fingers back at yourself in discernment.  Indeed, we can only witness those things that we recently were, already are, or very easily could be.   This chosen awakening, when applied to any moment, will allow you to more humbly immerse yourself powerfully into its circumstances.