Myth #44: “But I don’t eat much meat.”

Well, if you don’t eat much meat to begin with, then it won’t be very difficult at all to give it up entirely for one full month, which is the amount of time it normally takes to wean one’s self from any physical addiction.

And remember, while you are weaning yourself of this unhealthy habit, every single steak or burger you refuse to eat saves enough fresh water for you & your entire family to shower every day for months, saves enough grain to feed dozens of hungry children worldwide and, of course, saves the life of at least one innocent sentient being who would have otherwise been cruelly confined, emotionally abused and painfully murdered … This is true for every single steak or burger (or sausage link or piece of chicken) — every single time you refuse to eat the same.

Indeed, even one meat-laden meal does an amazing amount of damage to the health of you & your family, an amazing amount of damage to the health of your planet, and an amazing amount of damage to the health of the animals that needlessly lost their lives to provide that few minutes of food-fun.


Every meal counts, my Friends …

… so please eat accordingly.


Thank you.


Current status of this Myth: Impeached
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE


“So often I am told by people that they ‘hardly eat any meat’. To those who say this I would like to ask why they feel obliged to mention it at all? To say that you ‘only occasionally’ cause immense suffering and ‘only occasionally’ snuff out the life of an innocent creature when you have absolutely no need to do so is actually an admission that you fully understand that what you’re doing is not consistent with your own values — that what you are doing is morally wrong – and yet that you are doing it anyway.” ~ unknown

44f1 56 billion to one

44a2 life-over-meal

44c3 burgers-462

44d4 begging is not light44b5 cow-meat