Gratitude 01 … Being Alive

Today I am grateful for awakening again to my conscious Life; for being given another chance to go forth and choose to become a Force for Good in the world (despite my more primitive, instinctual urges to merely “take care of myself”). In addition, I am thankful to reawaken to Life’s intrinsic Meanings “deeper”, such as …

*Appreciating the Beauty that constantly surrounds me (even in encounters normally deemed “normal” or times usually deemed “boring”) …

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* Reveling in intimate re-Connections with the Souls of strangers (even when some of them seem a bit “weird” or even a bit “scary”) …

*Cherishing the “Universal Life-Source” (a.k.a. “God”, or “Allah”, or “Adonai”, or “Buddha”, or “Cosmic Consciousness”, or “Chi”, or “Prana”, or “Quantum Interconnection”, etc.) for all my blessed moments of pleasure and ease …

*& Choosing to LOVE my enemies (those who make my LOVE powerful by making it difficult to give — by rejecting, ridiculing, condemning, criticizing &/or ignoring me &/or my path).  How wonderful that I can choose to LOVE them anyway!

Frankly, now that I think about it, I am simply thankful for the ability to be consciously grateful at all!

And so, I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!