In their shoes … (04/17/15)

Although it is a scientifically proven truth that it is completely unnecessary for humans to eat animal flesh or drink animal secretions in order to maintain vibrant health, most of us have never confronted our meat-eating and dairy-drinking behaviors — mainly because it is far more comfortable to accept without challenge the myths we were taught as children: that meat must be eaten to obtain protein; that milk must be imbibed to obtain calcium; that it is “natural” for humans to eat meat & drink milk; and that farmed animals do not suffer incredibly when we take their lives to provide the same. And yet these flagrant lies are still being reinforced today by the prevailing customs of a highly bigoted society — a society in which animals are regarded casually as “less than”, and a society in which independent thoughts to the contrary are openly discouraged or even shunned.

While there is absolutely no doubt that the standard practices of even the “most humane” of animal farms would constitute extreme torture if carried out on ourselves or our children or even our beloved pets, we somehow find it easy to overlook such unspeakable cruelty when it is being done to victims of a different species — to pigs, and cows, and chickens, and sheep, and turkeys, and goats.

And all the while we quite remarkably continue to tell ourselves what good people we are — how much we care about animals; how much we adore our pets; how much we are investing in “animal welfare”; how “humanely” we treat animals before they are murdered.

And yet nevertheless, all who eat meat or ingest dairy products are perpetrators of the worst horrors imaginable, unavoidably responsible for said suffering — and this, despite being removed a sufficient distance to not need to listen to their screams and the futile pleas for mercy; a sufficient distance to not need to witness the gore and the mutilations and the dismemberments; a sufficient distance to where we can simply walk into a store and calmly purchase cold & lifeless flesh that only days before was throbbing & warm — and do so without a second thought as to what we have actually done.

And the ultimate irony is that almost every single one of us openly & sincerely care for animals; that almost every single one of us truly abhor animal cruelty; and that almost every one of us is ready to quickly to declare an unequivocal condemnation of all those who would even think of harming our more adored species of dog or cat or hamster or canary.

And the meat&dairy industry has been quick to spot a commercial opportunity in this hypocrisy; cynically adopting the language and terminology of care and concern — where the word ‘compassion’ is bandied about freely, as are ‘free range’ and ‘cage free’ and ‘humane’ and ‘welfare’ … And yet, these lies also hold no credibility, for there is absolutely no way for humans to obtain the body parts &/or secretions of other animals without causing suffering so sickening that every non-sociopath has no alternative but to shy away from even considering it.

And yet no matter how hard the industry tries, there will never be a way to make this fundamental injustice anything other than what it truly is: an outrage of epic proportions — an annual massacre of billions of caring, sentient Souls, merely to fulfill the lust-based self-indulgences of a species far from truly civilized.

~ inspired by Elephant in the Room

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