What a Human Life is Worth … Part 03: the Reality (03/03/15)

FACT — No matter how small we might be … no matter how weak & alone we might appear … no matter how insignificant we might seem within the hordes of other humans, living on a planet that is floating amongst hordes of other planets, spinning within a galaxy that is floating amongst hordes of other galaxies, we can still boom a truly Great Power. For in any given moment in every one of our lives, we each can choose to face our most selfish instincts, and face our most primal fears, and face our most justified hatreds — and then choose to LOVE anyway.

Amen … Let it be so.

“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, fully precious. So if any human disagrees with you or lambasts you or even harms you, let him live. For no matter how he treats you in this one moment, he is still and will forever remain your brother, and in a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another like him.” ~ Inspired by Car Sagan

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