What’s in a Name … (01/12/15)

Once upon a time, a Muslim Imam and a Christian priest were having an intense discussion with a secular mystic about the nature of life and death and salvation. First, the priest quoted the Bible at length to prove that only a total submission to Jesus Christ as one’s personal Lord & Savior would appease God enough to allow a Soul to enter Heaven after death. Next, the Imam quoted the Koran extensively to show that only by strictly adhering to the edicts of Muhammad could one hope to join Allah in the eternal Hereafter. And while those two learned scholars were sending scripture at one another back & forth, the mystic simply listened to them calmly in silence …

Finally, both of the religious men paused in their debate, turned to the mystic and asked his opinion on the matter. The mystic smiled gently and said, “Our different names for God form the thickest wall between us and the Divine that already lives within our hearts. After all, the donkey we ride humbly homeward is not the means by which we enter our house once we arrive. Similarly, though we may use our different spiritual beliefs to get us to a basic understanding of the perfect Love of Source, once we have done so it is necessary for us to dismount from our dogma, put that Love into practice — and thereby enter what awaits Beyond.”

My Friends, it is true that a small portion of Muslims are close-minded & filled with hateful violence, and yet it is just as true that the VAST majority of Muslims are not … And yes, it is equally true that a small portion of Christians are close-minded & filled with hateful bigotries, and yet it is also true that the VAST majority of Christians are not.

And just as it is not for Muslims to criticize the ignorant slumber of Christian zealots, so too is it not for Christians to criticize the close-minded violence of the Muslim minority. Peaceful Christians are the only ones who can use words to awaken the hateful within their own religion — The rest of us can only do so with our Compassion … Peaceful Muslims are the only ones who can verbally quell the insolent aggressions of their faith’s small sect of Jihadists — The rest of us can do so with our Forgiveness.

My dear Friends, it is not enough to inform others of the various ways they are “missing the mark” with regards to their LOVE or lack thereof … No, the only way we can ever hope to bring positive change to the Hearts of the violent & the hateful is to SHOW THEM the LOVE they have so obviously forgotten.

Amen … Let it be so.

“If you want to see the heroic, look to those who can Love in return for hatred.
If you want to see the brave, look to those who can forgive.”
~ Bhagavad Gita

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