Standing tall for Justice … (01/19/15)

When we examine the not insignificant swath of recorded history occupied by our still-young species, there are a few men & women who cannot help but shine forth their Greatness … Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those Bright Lights.

He shone forth Justice in a time of persecution … He shone forth Compassion in a time of callousness … He shone forth Acceptance in a time of bigotry … He shone forth Love in a time of hatred & abuse.

Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life to shine that Great Light, and yet most of us still prefer to meekly hide in the darkness … We hide in the shadows of our arrogance; we hide in the shadows of our greed; we hide in the shadows of our apathy; and we hide in the shadows of our savagery.

Well, my Friends, I am here to remind you all of the obvious truth that Martin Luther King Jr. was right … and I am here to humbly ask for you to honor his courageous legacy by bravely stepping out of the shadows and standing forth as he did.

I ask that you would stand forth for the enslaved;
I ask that you would stand forth for the tortured;
I ask that you would stand forth for the murdered;
I ask that you would stand forth for the oppressed.

Martin Luther King Jr. was right, my Friends: It IS always the right time to do what is Right, and it is never too late to start engaging and upholding that Rightness.

Please join me in doing so today … Thank you.

“I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. (from his “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” in 1963)

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