The Last Laugh … (12/07/14)

My Friends, be not afraid to raise your voice for Freedom over enslavement, to raise your voice for Kindness over violence; to raise your voice for Compassion over cruelty.

Yes, you may only be one voice, and yet even that one voice can be heard even across the greatest canyon of cowardice. Yes, you may only be one voice, and yet that one voice can still become a powerful beacon of Caring — a beacon shining through the darkness of callousness; a beacon shining through the fog of greed; a beacon shining through the haze of fear, to illuminate ignorance and inspire the freedom of those enslaved.

Yes, it is true that we each only have one voice — just as it is true that we also each have only one life … And yet these are not reasons to remain silent … No, my Friends, these are reasons — while we can still do so — to speak UP boldly for ALL victims of injustice and all sufferers of bigotry.

Amen … Let it be so.

(inspired by William Faulkner)

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