The unnecessity of Evil … (09/17/14)

Here’s a relatively easy quiz question for you:
What remains after the “necessity” in every “necessary evil” is exposed as a lie? What is left over after the “necessary” falls away from every “necessary evil”?

As you have certainly already figured out, “necessary evil” minus “necessary” … equals “evil”.

My friends, the pain and suffering required in ALL animal “processing” is patently inhumane. For decades — even centuries — people have said this about the abattoir; about the gruesome killing floors of slaughterhouses, and yet in our modern day & age it can also be openly said about every farm — and about every pitiless stage of every farmed animal’s “life”; from callous birth to torturous confinement to cruel death … Even the most “humane” of treatment (which can be found on less than 1% of all animal farms) treats animals like commodities. Even the most “humane” of treatment still sucks the freedom of its slaves. Even the most “humane” of treatment still ends in the murder of its subjects when they are no longer deemed useful.

And once we have the humility to recognize this fundamental Truth, we have a choice to make: either we can quit quietly whispering about these disturbing injustices and START DOING SOMETHING about them, or we can take the still-far-too-common view that ‘such is the way of the world’; or that ‘there’s not much we can do’; or that ‘it’s really not that bad’ …

Yet where does this moral cowardice leave us? It leaves us silent when we should be speaking out … It leaves us compromised when we should be standing up for our values … It leaves us exchanging knowing & embarrassed glances at the ruthless barbarities that lay now only partially hidden at the edges of our society’s awareness … It leaves us neutered & feeble — unable to discern or judge the conduct of others because we are unwilling to consistently regulate our own.

Saddest of all, it leaves us useless & hollow. It leaves decent and humane people to be rightly judged as accomplices in the greatest crime against basic decency that our world has ever known — while millions upon millions of innocent creatures are crushed ever more fully under the iron boots of the careless and the wicked; a wanton demolition of Souls that — if you are a meat eater or milk drinker — your dollars directly support and your indifference indirectly encourages.

And yet it doesn’t have to be this way … Indeed, there is a very easy answer to this “quiz”, one that brings immediate reconciliation to most of your internal conflicts and one that brings immediate Peace to most of your external life.

May you have the humility to see this Answer …
… and then the courage to walk its Way.

Amen … Let it be so.

(inspired by Matthew Scully)

00 09:17a what's left once the necessity in every necessary evil passes away

00 09:17bthanks for your copperation