To Seize the Day … (09/20/14)

“Life is what happens while you are making other plans.” ~ John Lennon

Carpe Diem! … Seize the Day! … YOLO! … So many of us hear these words and think they are an encouragement to go have as much fun as possible; to accumulate as much wealth as possible; to experience as much pleasure as possible … to sit back & relax, or to jump out of airplanes; to cross things off your bucket list, or to finally do what you’ve always wanted to do.

And yet none of these things has anything at all to do with the experience of true Joy or the knowing of real Peace … and not a single one of them will ever allow you to fully embrace any of the moments you have remaining.

No, to truly “Seize the Day”, we must have the courage to do so with the Soul more than with the mind; with the conscient yearning to DO Good more than with mere desire to feel great … Yes, to truly seize this day we must have the courage to reach out to those who are downtrodden or depressed, we must have the courage to defend those who are defenseless, we must have the courage to forgive those who seem unforgivable, and we must have the courage to LOVE those who we have chosen to “hate”.

My Friends, today is the last “today” you will ever have, so don’t let it slip by uncherished … Open up your Heart and gracefully SEIZE IT instead.

Amen … Let it be so.

“One of life’s greatest excitements is to stand somewhat apart and watch yourself softly becoming the author of something Beautiful.” ~ inspired by Norman MacClean

00 09:20 Life is what happens while you are making other plans