Yes, we CAN … (09/06/14)

This is indeed a big & beautiful world we live in — that ALL of us live in … together … as one big & Beauty-full sentient family … together … as one global community … together … as ONE.

And even though we may not be able to do much about what is happening to our cousins on the other side of the world, WE CAN most certainly do something about the sentient family members living in our own neighborhoods.

And we may not have the money or the time to “make a big difference” there either, and yet a difference WE CAN make — probably a lot bigger difference than we give ourselves credit for.

And yet we can’t make that difference while we sit around tables playing cards with our friends and complaining about the weather, and we sure as Hell (pun intended) can’t make that difference while watching TV and complaining about the flagrant failings of our supposed “leaders”.

No, my Friends, the only way for us to make the difference that each & e very one of us CAN indeed (in-deed!) make is to get up, get out there, and get started.

So go get ’em, tiger … Get out there and pick up some garbage, or smile at some strangers, or sit down and share some food with some homeless folks, or deliver some cookies to the neighbor no one likes, or openly forgive the person you don’t happen to like, or volunteer at a local school of charity, or beautify a local park … Heck, get out there and do ALL those things … Or get our there and do some things “other”; whatever “other” it is that specifically you can do.

For it doesn’t really matter what we do when you immerse ourselves in our communities, and yet it DOES in-deed matter very much that we do so.

Amen … Let it be!

“Each of us must rededicate ourselves to serving the common good in the ways we each can. We are a community. Our individual fates are linked and our futures are intertwined — each & every one. And if we choose to start acting in that knowledge and in that spirit together, then we will indeed move mountains.” ~ inspired by Jimmy Carter

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