Thanking GOD for “Un-Guides” – a Introduction … (09/01/14)

We all have hundreds of interactions with others every day of our lives. Many of these meetings occur via mass media & social media, while some happen “in the flesh” as well. And during quite a few of those interchanges (most of them, in fact) we end up hearing various “facts” and/or receiving various tidbits of “truth”; the open echoes of the various beliefs & devotions of those with whom we share ideas via presence or conversation.

Now, most of the people we encounter share with us a mixed bag of information, with some of their opinions being a bit biased — shady & jaded, and others being more “objective” — clear & cogent. And yet a few of our everyday interactions involve folks who reside primarily at one of two extremes: our “True Guides” — those rare people with whom we speak or to whom we listen who give out information that almost always bears the “Good Fruit” of Peace & Joy when put into practice … and our “False Prophets”: those very few who almost always spout off opposing views that promote division, judgment & fear.

And while it is easy for us to be thankful for the former and to denigrate the latter, I am here today to offer a different way of dealing with life’s “False Prophets”; a different way that allows us to use their magnified (and sometimes malicious) misinformation; a way that allows them to serve as a help rather than as a hindrance; a way that allows us to set aside our reasonable feelings of loathing for their lies and hatred for their hatred, and embrace them instead with grace & gratitude.

It’s actually a pretty simple process … Here’s how it works:

First, you must identify your life’s “False Prophets” — namely, those people whose values & beliefs directly contradict those of YOUR CONSCIENCE … Note: These “Un-Guides” are NOT necessarily the people who make statements that you find to be uncomfortable or “radical” or “insulting” or “heretical”, or even those who advocate beliefs that contradict your own. No, the “False Prophets” of whom I speak are those who advocate division & judgment & fear & hatred instead of harmony & acceptance & Love & Peace. They are those who champion accumulation over generosity & self-safety over selfless caring.

And even though these individuals are not that common, they are quite visible. Indeed, there are a few very-well-known figures who are currently fulfilling this invaluable role for many of us right now (I’ll mention three of them in posts soon-to-follow) … AND, each of you will have additional, more-personal relationships with individuals who will only be “False” for you … They are not that hard to find, really — oftentimes taking the form of a co-worker or even a family member. In fact, I bet you all are thinking of a few of them right now …

No matter, once you have identified your own “False Prophets”, the next step is to intently (and unemotionally) LISTEN to whatever they happen to tell you. This can admittedly prove to be a bit tricky, because your first impulse is going to be to either ignore them or argue with them, and yet it is critical that you choose instead to simply LISTEN — to take note of what they are saying; to take note of what they are advocating; to take note of what they think you should be doing or how you should be behaving; even to take note of the tone of voice they use while doing so. I admit that this is quite difficult to do (seeing as how every “False Prophet” has a true knack for activating our most highly charged defense mechanisms — for “pushing our biggest buttons”) … and yet with a little conscious effort, possible to do, it will be.

Finally, once you have taken note of what your “False Prophet” is sharing with you, the last step is actually quite the fun one … Without telling them that they are your own personal “Un-Guide”, and without beaming them anything other than the most heartfelt feelings of compassion & gratitude, simply go forth and enliven EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they believe &/or profess. Do exactly the opposite of what they told you to do … Be exactly the optimistic of how they showed you to be … Affirm exactly the opposite of what they have chosen to affirm.

Doing so not only allows you to smoothly transition from annoyance & hatred for them to compassion & thankfulness for them, but it also provides you with a veritable boatload of practical & highly effective Wisdom related to living a more Peace-full & Joy-full life … Indeed, as you continue to embody this mentality, not only will you start to see your “False Prophets” as Friends (and not only will your blood pressure reap immense benefits from the same), but many of these “enemies” will start to respond to you in kind — with Kindness!

Granted, if this does happen to a few of your “Un-Guides” — if they do begin to shift and become more humble & caring people, they will soon no longer qualify as “False Prophets” … And yet this too will be cause for celebration, as every discordant “Un-Guide” who transcends his or her fear-full ego is one less source of conflict & derision in the Universe; and every aggressive “Un-Guide” who has the courage to transform into his or her truly Loving True Self is one more source of Goodness & Peace in the world.

Indeed, within every wolf in sheep’s clothing sleeps a glorious ram ready to reawaken … Treating such people accordingly can help to make it so.


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.”~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:15-16)

“A wise man gets more wisdom from his enemies than a fool does from his friends” ~ inspired by Baltasar Gracian

“Choose to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” ~ inspired by Maya Angelou

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