Some Practical Solutions for America’s Next War … (08/25/14)

Remember awhile ago when they tried to pull the wool over your eyes with the “Assad used chemical weapons on his people and we need to militarily intervene” fiasco? Well, we still don’t know what really happened then in Syria, and yet we did get enough factual information to know that the U.S. administration’s story didn’t hold water — not even an ounce of it. It became obvious to almost everyone that Obama was once again blowing smoke to cover at least a few at-least-mildly-nefarious ulterior motives, and to your credit, you protested against his government’s war-lust … and war was avoided. I know I’ve said it before, and yet I will take a moment to say it again: To all those who raised their voices and especially those who put their bodies in motion to rail against that tragedy in the making, well done!

Well, it hasn’t taken long (surprise, surprise), but Obama & his overseas-aggression posse are back. They reaaaalllly want a reason to attack Syria & Iran, and now with journalist James Foley’s recent murder, it is pretty obvious that they think they have one. In response to that admittedly tragic execution, Obama smugly called the IS a “cancer”, and openly pledged to “do what we must do” to eradicate its members …

In essence, he promised war.

What is disturbingly ironic about this newest charade is that the U.S. is already effectively at war with Syria & IS (and soon Iran as well) … I mean, Obama has been bombing the bajeesus out of them for days, and drone striking the bajeesus out of them for years. Indeed, when I heard him babbling on about the whole thing, I couldn’t help but wonder: WHAT THE HECK DID HE REALLY EXPECT?!?!

And then I thought about it for a minute and realized that there must be a reason that the Obama Administration has been drone striking and tactically bombing that region of the country with such rabid persistence — and you can rest assured that this reason has nothing at all to do with mitigating the threat or influence of terrorists. After all, it has been proven time & time & time again that killing terrorist multiplies terrorists, and that bombing terrorist cells only inspires more powerful cells to quietly take their place.

War begets war — always has, always will.

So what the Hell is Obama doing?!?! After all, he’s clearly not an idiot, so he must know that his saber-rattling words of aggression and his saber-swathing attacks of violence have only made matters worse in the past, and he therefore must be aware that similar tactics will only make matters worse again in the future.

And then it dawned on me, just as it must be dawning on many of you … He isn’t stupid at all … War is exactly what he wants.

Now, his words may smoothly say otherwise, and yet his actions over the past six years have screamed this evident Truth to us consistently. So war is once again on its way — another war that we provoked; another war that no one will win. And unless enough of us stand up to him & his this time around, war is exactly what he & his are going to get.

Of course, they & theirs won’t be doing any of the fighting, mind you. No, that “honor” will fall on U.S. soldiers — at least one of whom committed suicide due to war-related PTSD every day in 2012 & 2013 (the soldier-suicide rate has more than tripled since 2001, and more soldiers died in 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 from suicide than perished on the battlefield). No, that “privilege” will fall on U.S. soldiers — who will all to one degree or another be ordered to commit acts of atrocity that will psychologically scar them for life.

00 08:25z1 soldiers are terrroist

00 08:25z2 not supposed to see

And why? Well, obviously to create more U.S. hatred in the region … which will then create more terrorists … which will inevitably lead to the next James Foley incident … which will then give the U.S. government its next excuse to attack the region all over again.

00 08:25z3 know-your-governm

00 08:25z4 4 soldiers - War defends oil


00 08:25z5 4 soldiers - war sucks big time

But how can we do so? Obviously, Obama (and the next President after him, regardless of with which party he or she affiliates) is going to continue with the tactical bombings and the drone-strikes. We need to simply accept the fact that there really is very little we can do about that … AND YET, there are things that WE CAN still do …

Please consider:

*01) WE CAN Protest Peace-fully … Send a letter to your Congressman, Congresswoman &/or Senator and FORGIVE THEM for any support they have given to unjust military actions in the past, FORGIVE THEM for any support they are currently giving to Obama’s call to military action today, and FORGIVE THEM for any support they give to criminally hypocritical & ineffective military actions in the future.

We humans are herd animals, people, and that means that we stay the course when attacked, and that means that we instinctively try and amend our ways to harmonize with fellow members of our “herd” — i.e. with those being openly kind to us. So make your letters & emails exceptionally uplifting … Remind your “leaders” that — even though they have obviously forgotten their more Noble Selves while in office up to this point — you still believe in their ability to show some integrity, even in the face of immense pressure from the currently shady White House. Most of the will probably laugh and continue with their war-mongering (after all, that’s where the money is that keeps them re-elected), AND YET you are allowed to persist in your efforts for Peace, and you are allowed to have faith that a few just might repent and return to the Just Way of their country’s founding fathers.

*02) WE CAN keep our local troops at Home … If you are an active serviceman or servicewoman, know that you are an American, and as such have every right to refuse to fight in corrupt or unjust wars. The ranks of the courageous conscientious objectors who came before you will be honored to accept you into their hallowed halls. Any coward can fulfill an evil order to kill civilians disguised as “terrorists”. And yet it takes a man or woman of real courage to stand up to those immense pressures and to refuse to do so.

That’s what our soldiers are now being called to do, but what about the rest of us? What can we do to make it easier for such soldiers of conscience to say “No” to Obama’s war machine? Well, for starters, we can offer them our affirmation … and our support … and our thanks … and our money … and even a place in our homes. We can openly let them know that it they choose to boldly stand up for the values under which the United States was founded — if they have the courage to say “No” to this current call to illegitimately kill, then we will be there for them after they do so.

*03) WE CAN in-Courage the troops to disobey evil orders … If the soldiers you personally know (or any soldiers reading this post) decide to go ahead and participate in the upcoming conflict, be sure to encourage them — nay, in-Courage them — to be a force for Peace while they do so.

Remind them that they are never required to commit any act of evil; that there is always the alternative of saying “No” to any order that is malignant or malicious or immoral. Remind them that there will be thousands upon thousands of victims in this conflict — thousands of people who will be suffering mightily; thousands who will be in dire need of a hug or a helping hand; a smile or kind word. Remind them that these victims will be fellow soldiers & enemy combatants, yes, and yet that they will also be civilian men & civilian women & innocent children. Remind the to be ready to be a Meaning-full beacon of light in the upcoming time of blackness.

00 08:25zz 4 soldiers - va2

00 08:25zzz 4 soldiers - if you do go look out 4 children

*04) WE CAN walk the Peace-full Talk in our communities … Finally, we can all best combat the war-machine by being forces for Goodness & Peace in our communities; by openly forgiving those who have trespassed against us; by openly sharing what we have with those who have not; by openly caring for our neighbors (especially those we least care for); by openly respecting all life in how we speak & dress & work & eat.

And then, after you’ve started doing all that, go ahead and pull the plug on your hollow politics … and then keep rebuilding and refortifying your communities (and thereby your country, and indeed, the world) yourselves.

Amen … Let it be so.

“Young men go to war. Sometimes because they have to, sometimes because they want to. Always, they feel they are supposed to. This comes from the sad, layered stories of life, which over the centuries have seen courage confused with picking up arms, and cowardice confused with laying them down.” ~ Mitch Albom

“The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules, but rather by people following them. It’s people who follow orders who drop bombs & massacre villages.” ~ Banksy

00 08:25zzzz vioence sucks

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished …
unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.” ~ Voltaire