Speaking UP, the TRUTH … (08/29/14)

A relatively short while ago, a dear Friend of mine expressed shock (and was even a bit upset) when I informed her that very few people have been showing interest in the truths I have been offering — not only here on Facebook, but also via my Blog and in person as well. This is how I responded then … and this is how I continue to respond today.


It is true that still very few people seem to be interested in what I have to share, and yet when I pause a moment to think about it, it makes total sense that this is the case. After all, my message is incredibly uncomfortable — if not downright terrifying — for most folks.

You see, we humans are programmed to selfishly take care of our own desires first & foremost; to “survive & procreate” at all costs — to satisfy our own desires, and to meet our own needs, and to be kind only to our own friends and family. This is the “ego” within every sentient being, and it is the part of our brains that reacts first to every encounter we have. It is what has created our money-based economies, it is what has created our judgment-based religions, and it is what has created our fear-based nations … And every human being has one of these “me first” generators. It is the way out brains are built. So of course people are going to be more than hesitant to listen to a “crazy man” who tells them that The Way to a profound & lasting Happiness rests in setting these primitive drives aside and empowering another facet of our mental makeup — namely, the ability to consciously choose to sacrifice ourselves for the welfare of others.

This is the Way of the Soul, of course, and everyone has such a “Soul” (or “Holy Spirit” or “Advocate within” or “True Self” or “Heart Brain”) — and as such, everyone already knows exactly what I am talking about. They all have a functioning conscience — they all know that caring for others brings far more Joy than caring for self, and as such they already (subconsciously at least) realize that what I am offering them is indeed a Great Truth …

AND YET, understandably, most of them would rather do anything but give this “radical Kindness” a try. And indeed, I expect most of them to end up trying everything else to find Joy & Peace before realizing that only willing self-sacrifice will ever open the door to their truest Contentment.

AND, on a more positive note, more & more & more folks ARE opening that door every day … I see it all around me, even here in relatively “uptight” Germany. Folks are being kinder to strangers, folks are actually speaking with the homeless people they pass on the streets, folks are shrugging their shoulders and openly forgiving those who have hurt them, folks are going vegan for the animals, folks are courageously protesting against war & corruption by standing up for peace & integrity, folks are putting away their judgmental religious dogmas and accepting the innate value of all forms of worship (including atheism) instead …

Yes, you won’t see much of this Great Shift on the news, and admittedly I don’t personally hear from too many people who are joining this movement, and yet IT IS HAPPENING nonetheless … and it is my mission to keep doing whatever I can to help it continue to blossom into the mainstream.

And so it is that I will simply keep writing about it and speaking about it (when asked) and living it radically every day — having Faith that more & more folks will join this “Army of LOVE”; that maybe together we can indeed turn humanity’s ship around and save our species before it is too late.

Yes, I will admit that at times my own ego does get a bit frustrated in how few people are actually living lives of Peace & Respect & Acceptance, and yet my True Self knows deep down that humanity IS gradually awakening thereto — and as such I will never ever ever quit sharing about this Way.

Peace to ALL … S

“In times of rampant deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act … Speak the truth anyway.” ~ inspired by George Orwell


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