DOing something … (08/18/14)

I’m not saying that the riots in Ferguson are justified due to the reasonable rage that living in abject poverty instills & that flagrant injustice ignites …

And I’m not saying that the riots in Ferguson are wrong because their vastly counterproductive & innately hypocritical means are themselves annihilating their desired ends …

No, what I AM saying is this: unless you live near Ferguson &/or are willing to go there and DO SOMETHING positive to calm that negative, stop watching it — stop discussing it — and stop thinking about it. Doing so is simply not constructive, and beaming out your pity or your sympathy or your criticism actually makes things worse.

Besides, you aren’t getting the Truth from your television anyway, so TURN THE BLOODY THING OFF … And then, after you have done so, consider going out into your own community, finding someone in need nearby (you won’t have to look far), and then DOing SOMETHING to help alleviate their pain.

Thank you.

“If you alter your focus on that what is striving to influence you, you dramatically expand the possibilities of that which you can influence.” ~ inspired by the film “Revolver”

00 08:18z1 misinfo abounds