The Arc of the Divine … (07/25/14)

It is true that Martin Luther King once stated most correctly that “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” And yet what Dr. King failed to remind us that day was that yes, while the moral arc of the Universe — the compassionate, ethical, respectful Knowing that resides in the heart of every sentient being in the Cosmos — does indeed bend towards justice, it does not bend on its own. It bends because Good People are brave enough to stand up to abuse. It bends because Good People are courageous enough to stand up to cruelty. It bends — slowly yet surely — when each one of us Good People, in our own unique ways, put our hand on that arc and bend it ourselves in the direction of Justice.

The arc IS steadily bending, my Friends, and Justice WILL indeed one day be attained. And yet why should we wait any longer than necessary to arrive at that glorious juncture? I and the millions of vegan animal rights activists all over the world are putting our full weight to this all-important task, and yet every day that passes without the attainment of our goal is another day filled with needless suffering & immense pain for millions of innocent beings.

The arc MUST bend all the way to Justice for them … It simply must. Indeed, the fate of dozens of species (including our own) and billions of gentle lives depends upon it. And it is still bending ever so slowly …

Won’t you help bend it with us?

00 VV 14 07:25a1 seems appropriate

00 VV 14 07:25a2 on habits & ethics