What is LOVE? … (05/21/08)

1)  Love has nothing to do with what you have, and everything to do with what you Do! …

Love is not a thought or a feeling, but a verb — It is lifeless until enacted.

2)  Those who seek to attain Love for themselves, cannot ever receive It.

3)  Sex has absolutely nothing to do with Love, and as Love is the only thing that can bring true Peace to any relationship, sex cannot ever do the same.

4)  In all moments of fantasy, you are already ‘cheating’ on your partner.

5)  In all conflicts between two partners, there are three options —

a) give in to the other (loss of self),

b) reject the other (loss of the other) OR

c) remain True to your own view while forgiving the other and continuing to Love them anyway

(even if you deeply disagree with their beliefs &/or actions) …

Note: only option c) enables you to Know the Bliss of true LOVE!