Hero #145: Steve Wheen … (01/09/16)

Steve Wheen (a.k.a. The Pothole Gardener) is a radical gardener on a miniature scale. Essentially, Steve altruistically & anonymously creates miniature gardens in the unlikeliest of urban spaces — potholes, cracks in sidewalks, borders of footpaths, beside curbs etc. His micro-gardens were born out of frustration with both the potholes he encountered in the roads during his cycling to work and the overall lack of greenery in his community. He’s now on a mission to create unexpected moments of joy and wonderment amidst the madness and the greyness that often is London, England, and — in his words — to make people “think about where they live and their environment and think about getting out there, doing some gardening and helping the community”.

00 ILWH 028a Wheen

00 ILWH 028b Steve Wheen garden