Patriotsim Purified … a brief conclusion (07/04/14)

“The secret of true Freedom rests in providing one’s fellow citizens with solid information about the true nature of their nation and its government, whereas the essence of tyranny lies in keeping those same people blind and ignorant of the same.” ~ inspired by Robespierre

Let it be known that my sole intention underlying these posts on patriotism has been to illuminate what has remained hidden for so long — the fact that, even though America has many wonderful qualities and is indeed in many ways a great country, she is not what she was made to be, she is not what she once was, and she is not what she could one day become. Indeed, all the flag-waving & anthem-singing & patriotic-posturing in the world will not change the fact that America has quite a loooooong way to go before she even comes close to embodying her truly majestic potential …

Nor will all that waving & singing & posturing encourage her current “leaders” to alter her course and steer her any closer to realizing the same. No, my Friends, if America is truly to become what she was made to be — if the Freedom & the Justice & the Compassion that reside at the heart of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are to finally come to life — and thereby give her flag its still-latent luster, then it is you, the American people, who will have to do so … You will have to do so in your homes, you will have to do so in your workplaces, you will have to do in your schools, and you will have to do so in your neighborhoods.

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True, the American political system is deeply damaged — bought out by corporations lusting for power and crippled by politicians smothered in greed. And as such, that very system cannot be repaired (certainly not via the toothless means of voting booth or vocal cries for change), and therefore will not be able to respond to this great challenge.

How fortunate it is, then, for all you Americans — indeed, how fortunate it is for all of Earth’s sentient citizens, that you are people of great Compassion; … that you need no governmental assistance to rebuild what is rightfully yours; … that you need no governmental cooperation to effectuate a Justice as potent as it is gentle; … that you have not forgotten what it means to be Humble & Kind; … that you are strong enough to put aside all your saber-rattling and patriotic arrogance in favor of showering not only your own communities, but also all your nearby neighborhoods — indeed, the entire world — with both your Generosity & your Goodwill.

Amen … Let it be so!

“And an immense Love for humanity came over me, watering the fields of my inner world which had until then been lying fallow … And this immense Love vented itself in a vast Compassion that encompassed all things living.” ~ inspired by Georg Brandes

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