Said No Animal EVER … (06/29/14)

000 VV 14 06:29a said no animal ever

Said … No … Animal … EVER.

If we really are superior to animals, wouldn’t we have the ability to consider their suffering? And if we are not superior to animals, what gives us the right to act like we are?

When we were a young species (many, many thousands of years ago), we did a number of desperate & ruthless & primitive things — among them them the confining & the hunting & the killing & the eating of our sentient animal cousins. A brutal practice it was, ill-suited to our plant-based digestive tracts and ill-representative of our more Caring, herd-oriented nature. And yet we can forgive our forefathers & foremothers for such barbaric transgressions. After all, times were desperate then, and survival was anything but assured.

These days, now that we are no longer in our infancy — now that we have moved into the young adulthood of our ultimate legacy, it is time to put away such “childish things”. It is time to act as the Stewards of Peace we were meant to be … It is time to act as the Caretakers of Compassion we could one day become.

Amen … Let it be so.

“I agree with Dante, that the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, calmly maintain their neutrality.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.