Hero #039: the Dalai Lama … (04/25/16)

Say what you will about this jovial little Tibetan man, there can be no doubt that the strength of his Compassion is beyond reproach. Anyone who can repeatedly & openly & sincerely forgive those who continue to torture his friends is without a doubt a shining example of what we can one day become as as species, and how each one of us can choose to BE today.

Amen … Let it be so.

“All the world’s major religious traditions carry the same basic central message — the message of Love, the message of Compassion, the message of Forgiveness. The important thing, of course, is not to merely revere these values, but to actively embody them in our daily lives — for us to be Kind whenever possible, remembering that it is always possible; for us to deeply remember that, regarding the practice of Love, our enemies are our greatest teachers.” ~ inspired by the Dalai Lama