Misleading Myth #01 … “Only animals” (06/28/14)

Mashing the Myths of Meat: Myth #01 … “But they are only animals.” (a.k.a. “Animals are too unaware, or too stupid, to suffer”)

When it comes to justifying the killing of our animal cousins, their intelligence (or perceived lack thereof) has NOTHING at all do with it … Indeed, it can’t. Otherwise it would become perfectly acceptable for us to execute fellow humans we (or our friends — or our government, or our church) deemed to be too “dense” — or too “ignorant” — or even just too “wrong” … In fact, using such an argument to justify any practice with cruel or drastic consequences (like slaughter) does not prove a lack of intelligence in the animals killed, but rather a shocking lack of intelligence in those doing the killing.

00 VV 14 06:28b it's not about intelligence