Last Wish #02 … Less comfort, more Health (03/17/14)

Here’s a novel idea:  replace ceaselessly striving for comfort with effortlessly living in Health.

As far as I am concerned, doctors should be paid when we are well, and should treat us all for free whenever we are sick or injured. Of course, at least in the Western world, this dream is highly unlikely to ever become reality — at least not in our lifetimes.

Indeed, the western medical system itself is beyond repair, and we cannot fix what is irrevocably broken. The fully unjust American medical system, along with the fully incompetent American political response thereto, has clearly proven that there is no more hope for affordable health care for the vast majority of folks living in the United States.

And yet, if you cannot make your doctors more accessible or more effective, you CAN make them superfluous.

02c Health supercedes medicien
It is a simple fact that a Compassion-based diet is the second best way to live a healthy Life … and it is a little-known Truth that regular, radical acts of selfless Kindness are the best way to do the same. Of course, a Compassion-based diet is actually composed of regular, radical acts of selfless Kindness, so maybe this distinction need not be made.

It’s pretty simple, really: to be Kind while you eat is to live a long & Joy-full life. And this offer, along with its undeniable physical, emotional & psychological benefits, is available to each & every one of you right now … And now, with my second “dying breath”, it becomes an offer of Life I wish you would accept.

Amen … Let it be so.

“We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas, and indeed our lives, are humane.” ~ inspired by Kurt Vonnegut

02a fruit is the pharmacy